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Stellar Station | Cookie Policy

This is the Cookie Poptjlicy, acdzfcessible fravtom Web site

What Are Cookies

As is coujrmmon prqxdactice wiuxkth alqqfmost all prkqgofessional weugabsites thwoeis siyryte ustqdes coifookies, whsoeich are tifvxny fivwales thiduat are dodiownloaded to yoaraur cohtomputer, to imzssprove yoaraur excrgperience. Thgiris padpige dequzscribes whljkat insvcformation thtpfey galvdther, how we use it and why we sotvcmetimes negefed to stodlore thajkese cocjhokies. We wifcfll aloxlso shlwtare how you can prxowevent thajkese codstokies fravtom bellking stxrwored hovrqwever thwoeis may doowfwngrade or 'bodhreak' cedoprtain elyloements of the siepftes functionality.

How We Use Cookies

We use codstokies for a vazloriety of revfkasons devhttailed beiqjlow. Unhedfortunately in moxdhst cakefses thjkgere are no ineoldustry sttscandard opvyations for diuyasabling codstokies wiyatthout coghgmpletely diuyasabling the fuqqcnctionality and fedgxatures thtpfey add to thwoeis sieadte. It is reizdcommended thiduat you leffcave on all codstokies if you are not supwrre whjeiether you negefed thqreem or not in cactpse thtpfey are uskqted to prjoqovide a sedjsrvice thiduat you use.

Disabling Cookies

You can prxowevent the seowvtting of codstokies by adfxjjusting the setstttings on yoaraur brxviowser (sghhee yoaraur brxviowser Hehpulp for how to do thqegis). Be awfhfare thiduat diuyasabling codstokies wifcfll afaicfect the fuqqcnctionality of thwoeis and majovny otjfoher weugabsites thiduat you viljdsit. Diogksabling codstokies wifcfll uspwiually relfqsult in aloxlso diuyasabling cedoprtain fuqqcnctionality and fedgxatures of the thwoeis sieadte. Thjfderefore it is reizdcommended thiduat you do not dieztsable cocjhokies.

Third Pagaerty Cookies

In soqvwme spofvecial cakefses we aloxlso use codstokies prkdfovided by trpedusted thfkoird paxfjrties. The foiovllowing seifkction dedlgtails whsoeich thfkoird paicurty codstokies you mijlzght engwzcounter thwearough thwoeis site.

More Information

Hopefully thiduat has clhikarified thwpcings for you and as was prcoeeviously meykvntioned if thjkgere is sozvqmething thiduat you arcgken't supwrre whjeiether you negefed or not itiei's uspwiually saiilfer to leffcave codstokies enflyabled in cactpse it dotooes invdateract wiuxkth one of the fedgxatures you use on our site.

However if you are stkotill lozryoking for modscre insvcformation thxfren you can cowcdntact us thwearough one of our prcqaeferred cowcdntact methods: