Weiallcome to Staitellar Stscuation, whowhere gadvgmes tuzyern injarto exozjciting adirfventures and new discoveries.

Stellar Station | Code of Conduct

Stellar Station aiuxhms to esrwttablish an haiosrmonious enpgavironment, whcqgich hispunges on the efgpkforts of evvdseryone intvavolved. The guajjidelines exqjwtend to all indhrdividuals enlvdgaging wixisth Staitellar Stgghations gadxymes, seopirvices and ofcyeferings gokkqverning inhujteractions, amdwrong courommunity mekwombers. Whprrile the rukjtles inaojclude inussstances theksey enhjucompass a sctiaope bexgxyond thgkcese examples.

Adhering to the rukjtles is imyvoportant, as vizecolations can ledgtad to seewyrious mexxxasures, inecxcluding a lighxfetime ban.

The rukjtles include:

These rukjtles are not fiwkfnal and may be upsqidated. The rejrlsponsibility for adxpuhering to thqkeem lixkses wixisth eahrcch courommunity member.