We use cookies on our si te to im prove yo ur br owsing ex perience, an alyze si te tr affic, and pe rsonalize co ntent. By cl icking on the "A ccept" bu tton, you ag ree to the use of all cookies.
This pr
ivacy po licy, for our we bsite (" Company " "w e," "u s," or "o ur") ou tlines the re asons and me thods th rough wh ich we may ga ther, st ore, ut ilize an d/or di sclose (" process") yo ur da ta wh ile you en gage wi th our se rvices (" Services"). Th is in cludes in stances wh en you;This su
mmary pr ovides key po ints fr om our pr ivacy no tice, but you can fi nd out mo re de tails ab out any of th ese to pics by cl icking the link fo llowing ea ch key po int or by us ing our table of co ntents be low to fi nd the se ction you are lo oking for.What pepersonal in. formation you di sclose to us
rsonal in formation do we process? Wh en you vi sit, us e, or na vigate our Se rvices, we may pr ocess pe rsonal in formation de pending on how you in teract wi th Web si te and the Se rvices, the ch oices you ma ke, and the pr oducts and fe atures you us e. Le arn mo re ab outDo we prsensitive in. formation we process
ocess any se nsitive pe rsonal information? We may pr ocess se nsitive pe rsonal in formation wh en ne cessary wi th yo ur co nsent or as ot herwise pe rmitted by ap plicable la w. Le arn mo re ab outDo we reinformation co. llected fr om ot her sources
ceive any in formation fr om th ird parties? We may re ceive in formation fr om pu blic da tabases, ma rketing pa rtners, so cial me dia pl atforms, and ot her ou tside so urces. Le arn mo re ab outHow do we prhow we pr ocess yo ur information.
ocess yo ur information? We pr ocess yo ur in formation to pr ovide, im prove, and ad minister our Se rvices, co mmunicate wi th yo u, for se curity and fr aud pr evention, and to co mply wi th la w. We may al so pr ocess yo ur in formation for ot her pu rposes wi th yo ur co nsent. We pr ocess yo ur in formation on ly wh en we ha ve a va lid le gal re ason to do so. Le arn mo re ab outIn whwhen and wi. th wh om we sh are yo ur pe rsonal information
at si tuations and wi th wh ich pa rties do we sh are pe rsonal information? We may sh are in formation in sp ecific si tuations and wi th sp ecific th ird pa rties. Le arn mo re ab outHow do we kehow we ke. ep yo ur in formation safe
ep yo ur in formation safe? We ha ve or ganizational and te chnical pr ocesses and pr ocedures in pl ace to pr otect yo ur pe rsonal in formation. Ho wever, no el ectronic tr ansmission ov er the in ternet or in formation st orage te chnology can be gu aranteed to be 10 0% se cure, so we ca nnot pr omise or gu arantee th at ha ckers, cy bercriminals, or ot her un authorized th ird pa rties wi ll not be ab le to de feat our se curity and im properly co llect, ac cess, st eal, or mo dify yo ur in formation. Le arn mo re ab outWhat are yoyour pr. ivacy rights
ur rights? De pending on wh ere you are lo cated ge ographically, the ap plicable pr ivacy law may me an you ha ve ce rtain ri ghts re garding yo ur pe rsonal in formation. Le arn mo re ab outHow do you ex
ercise yo ur rights? The ea siest way to ex ercise yo ur ri ghts is by vi siting .t ech@gmail.com, or by co ntacting us. We wi ll co nsider and act up on any re quest in ac cordance wi th ap plicable da ta pr otection laws.Want to le
arn mo re ab out wh at Web si te do es wi th any in formation we co llect? Re view the pr ivacy no tice in full.Personal in
formation you di sclose to usIn Short: We co
llect pe rsonal in formation th at you pr ovide to us.When you si
gn up for our Se rvices yo rccgrwhg in terest, in le arning mo re ab out us or our pr oducts and Se rvices en gage in ac tivities, on the pl atform or re ach out to us we ga ther the de tails you ch oose to sh are wi th us.Personal In
formation Pr ovided by You. The pe rsonal in formation th at we co llect de pends on the co ntext of yo ur in teractions wi th us and the Se rvices, the ch oices you ma ke, and the pr oducts and fe atures you us e. The pe rsonal in formation we co llect may in clude the following:Sensitive Information. Wh
en ne cessary, wi th yo ur co nsent or as ot herwise pe rmitted by ap plicable la w, we pr ocess the fo llowing ca tegories of se nsitive information:We of
fer the co nvenience of si gning up us ing yo ur me dia pr ofiles su ch, as Fa cebook, Tw itter or ot her pl atforms. If you de cide to re gister via th is me thod we wi ll ga ther the de tails ou tlined in the se ction ti tled "H OW DO WE MA NAGE YO UR SO CIAL ME DIA LO GINS?" be low.All pe
rsonal in formation th at you pr ovide to us mu st be tr ue, co mplete, and ac curate, and you mu st no tify us of any ch anges to su ch pe rsonal information.Information au
tomatically collectedIn Short: So
me in formation &m dash; su ch as yo ur In ternet Pr otocol (I P) ad dress an d/or br owser and de vice ch aracteristics &m dash; is co llected au tomatically wh en you vi sit our Services.When you ac
cess or use our Se rvices we ga ther da ta au tomatically. Th is da ta do esn't di sclose de tails, li ke yo ur na me or co ntact in formation. It may en compass in formation ab out yo ur de vice and how you use it su ch as yo ur IP ad dress, br owser ty pe, op erating sy stem, la nguage pr eferences, re ferral UR Ls, de vice na me, co untry lo cation, us age pa tterns, on our pl atform and ot her te chnical de tails. We use th is in formation ma inly for ma intaining the se curity and fu nctionality of our Se rvices and for an alysis and re porting purposes.Like ma
ny bu sinesses, we al so co llect in formation th rough co okies and si milar technologies.The in
formation we co llect includes:Information co
llected fr om ot her sourcesIn Short: We may co
llect li mited da ta fr om pu blic da tabases, ma rketing pa rtners, so cial me dia pl atforms, and ot her ou tside sources.To im
prove our ab ility to of fer ma rketing, de als and se rvices to you we ll as up date our re cords we mi ght ga ther in formation, ab out you fr om va rious so urces. Th ese so urces in clude da tabases, pa rtner ma rketing pr ograms, af filiate ne tworks, da ta pr oviders, so cial me dia si tes and ot her th ird pa rties. Th is in formation may co nsist of ma iling ad dresses, job ti tles, em ail ad dresses, ph one nu mbers, us er be havior da ta (i ntent da ta) IP ad dresses, so cial me dia pr ofiles and UR Ls cu stom pr ofiles for ta rgeted ad vertising pu rposes and pr omoting ev ents. Wh en you en gage wi th us on a so cial me dia pl atform us ing yo ur ac count (l ike Fa cebook or Tw itter) we re ceive de tails su ch as yo ur na me, em ail ad dress and ge nder. The ty pe of in formation we ga ther fr om yo ur so cial me dia ac count is su bject, to the pr ivacy se ttings you ha ve ch osen for th at account.In Short: We pr
ocess yo ur in formation to pr ovide, im prove, and ad minister our Se rvices, co mmunicate wi th yo u, for se curity and fr aud pr evention, and to co mply wi th la w. We may al so pr ocess yo ur in formation for ot her pu rposes wi th yo ur consent.We pr
ocess yo ur pe rsonal in formation for a va riety of re asons, de pending on how you in teract wi th our Se rvices, including:In Short: We on
ly pr ocess yo ur pe rsonal in formation wh en we be lieve it is ne cessary and we ha ve a va lid le gal re ason (i .e. , le gal ba sis) to do so un der ap plicable la w, li ke wi th yo ur co nsent, to co mply wi th la ws, to pr ovide you wi th se rvices to en ter in to or fu lfill our co ntractual ob ligations, to pr otect yo ur ri ghts, or to fu lfill our le gitimate bu siness interests.If you are lo
cated in the EU or UK, th is se ction ap plies to you.Our co
mpliance, wi th the Ge neral Da ta Pr otection Re gulation (G DPR) and UK GD PR ne cessitates us to cl arify the gr ounds we ut ilize for pr ocessing yo ur pe rsonal da ta. Co nsequently we may de pend on the fo undations to ha ndle yo ur pe rsonal in formation;If you are lo
cated in Ca nada, th is se ction ap plies to you.We may prwithdraw yo at any time. ur consent
ocess yo ur in formation if you ha ve gi ven us sp ecific pe rmission (i .e. , ex press co nsent) to use yo ur pe rsonal in formation for a sp ecific pu rpose, or in si tuations wh ere yo ur pe rmission can be in ferred (i .e. , im plied co nsent). You canIn so
me ex ceptional ca ses, we may be le gally pe rmitted un der ap plicable law to pr ocess yo ur in formation wi thout yo ur co nsent, in cluding, for example:In Short: We may sh
are in formation in sp ecific si tuations de scribed in th is se ction an d/or wi th the fo llowing th ird parties.We may ne
ed to sh are yo ur pe rsonal in formation in the fo llowing situations:In Short: We are not re
sponsible for the sa fety of any in formation th at you sh are wi th th ird pa rties th at we may link to or who ad vertise on our Se rvices, but are not af filiated wi th, our Services.The Se
rvices may in clude li nks, to we bsites, on line se rvices or mo bile ap ps op erated by pa rties. May al so di splay ads fr om un related th ird pa rty en tities th at may le ad to ot her we bsites, se rvices or ap ps. We do not pr ovide any gu arantees ab out th ese pa rties. Wi ll not be he ld re sponsible for any lo sses or da mages re sulting fr om us ing th eir we bsites, se rvices or ap ps. Ju st be cause we link to a th ird pa rty we bsite, se rvice or app do es not me an we en dorse it. We ca nnot en sure the sa fety and pr ivacy of any da ta you sh are wi th pa rties. Any in formation co llected by th em is not co vered by our pr ivacy po licy. We are not ac countable for the co ntent or pr ivacy pr actices of any pa rties, in cluding we bsites, se rvices or ap plications li nked to or, fr om the Se rvices. It 's ad visable to zg slfqwiihaoj the po licies of th ese pa rties and re ach out to th em di rectly for any in quiries you may have.In Short: We may use co
okies and ot her tr acking te chnologies to co llect and st ore yo ur information.We mi
ght ut ilize co okies and ot her tr acking me thods, su ch, as web be acons. Pi xels, to re trieve or st ore da ta. De tailed in formation, on our us age of th ese te chnologies and how you can opt out of co okies is ou tlined in our Co okie No tice.In Short: If you ch
oose to re gister or log in to our Se rvices us ing a so cial me dia ac count, we may ha ve ac cess to ce rtain in formation ab out you.When you si
gn up for our Se rvices you can use yo ur me dia ac counts (s uch, as Fa cebook or Tw itter) to re gister and log in. If you de cide to go th is ro ute we 'll get so me of yo ur pr ofile de tails fr om yo ur so cial me dia pr ovider. The ty pe of pr ofile in formation we get mi ght di ffer ba sed on the so cial me dia pl atform. It ty pically in cludes th ings, li ke yo ur na me, em ail ad dress, li st of fr iends pr ofile ph oto and any ot her de tails yo u've sh ared pu blicly on th at platform.We wi
ll on ly ut ilize the in formation we re ceive for the pu rposes ou tlined in th is pr ivacy no tice. Ex plicitly in dicated to you on the re levant Se rvices. It 's im portant to kn ow th at we do n't ov ersee or ta ke re sponsibility, for wa ys yo ur pe rsonal in formation is us ed by pa rty so cial me dia pr oviders. We su ggest ch ecking out th eir pr ivacy no tice to gr asp how th ey ga ther, ut ilize and di stribute yo ur da ta we ll as how you can ad just yo ur pr ivacy se ttings on th eir pl atforms and applications.In Short: We ke
ep yo ur in formation for as lo ng as ne cessary to fu lfill the pu rposes ou tlined in th is pr ivacy no tice un less ot herwise re quired by law.We'll ho
ld on to yo ur de tails for as lo ng as ne eded for the re asons st ated in th is pr ivacy no tice un less the law re quires or pe rmits us to ke ep th em lo nger (l ike, for ta x, ac counting or ot her le gal pu rposes). No ne of the re asons me ntioned he re wi ll ma ke us re tain yo ur in formation be yond the du ration of yo ur ac count, wi th us.When we no lo
nger ha ve a re ason to use yo ur da ta, for bu siness pu rposes we wi ll ei ther re move or ma ke it an onymous. If th ats not fe asible (l ike if yo ur da ta's, in fi les) we 'll ke ep it sa fe and se parate fr om any mo re ha ndling un til we can de lete it.In Short: We aim to pr
otect yo ur pe rsonal in formation th rough a sy stem of or ganizational and te chnical se curity measures.We ha
ve put in pl ace se curity me asures to sa feguard the pe rsonal in formation we ha ndle. Wh ile we st rive to pr otect yo ur da ta it 's im portant to no te th at no on line tr ansmission or st orage sy stem can be co mpletely fo olproof. Th erefore we ca nnot gu arantee th at un authorized in dividuals, li ke ha ckers or cy bercriminals wo n't fi nd wa ys to br each our se curity me asures and ga in ac cess to or ta mper wi th yo ur in formation. Wh ile we ma ke ev ery ef fort to ke ep yo ur da ta se cure the tr ansmission of in formation th rough our Se rvices ca rries so me le vel of ri sk. It is ad visable to ac cess our Se rvices in an en vironment, for ad ded protection.In Short: In so
me re gions, su ch as the Eu ropean Ec onomic Ar ea (E EA), Un ited Ki ngdom (U K), and Ca nada , you ha ve ri ghts th at al low you gr eater ac cess to and co ntrol ov er yo ur pe rsonal in formation. You may re view, ch ange, or te rminate yo ur ac count at any time.In soHOW CAN YOU CO" below. NTACT US AB OUT TH IS NOTICE?
me re gions (l ike the EE A, UK, and Ca nada ), you ha ve ce rtain ri ghts un der ap plicable da ta pr otection la ws. Th ese may in clude the ri ght (i) to re quest ac cess and ob tain a co py of yo ur pe rsonal in formation, (i i) to re quest re ctification or er asure; (i ii) to re strict the pr ocessing of yo ur pe rsonal in formation; and (i v) if ap plicable, to da ta po rtability. In ce rtain ci rcumstances, you may al so ha ve the ri ght to ob ject to the pr ocessing of yo ur pe rsonal in formation. You can ma ke su ch a re quest by co ntacting us by us ing the co ntact de tails pr ovided in the se ction "We wiMember St or ate da ta pr otection authorityUK da. ta pr otection authority
ll co nsider and act up on any re quest in ac cordance wi th ap plicable da ta pr otection laws. If you are lo cated in the EEA or UK and you be lieve we are un lawfully pr ocessing yo ur pe rsonal in formation, you al so ha ve the ri ght to co mplain to yo urIf you are loFederal Da ta Pr otection and In formation Commissioner.
cated in Sw itzerland, you may co ntact theWithdrawing yoHOW CAN YOU CO" below. NTACT US AB OUT TH IS NOTICE?
ur consent: If we are re lying on yo ur co nsent to pr ocess yo ur pe rsonal in formation, wh ich may be ex press an d/or im plied co nsent de pending on the ap plicable la w, you ha ve the ri ght to wi thdraw yo ur co nsent at any ti me. You can wi thdraw yo ur co nsent at any ti me by co ntacting us by us ing the co ntact de tails pr ovided in the se ction "Please be aw
are th at re voking yo ur co nsent wi ll not im pact the le gality of da ta pr ocessing th at oc curred be fore the wi thdrawal. Ad ditionally in ca ses wh ere pe rmitted by law it wi ll not al ter the ha ndling of yo ur da ta ba sed on gr ounds ot her, th an consent.Opting out of maHOW CAN YOU CO" be NTACT US AB OUT TH IS NOTICE? low. You wi ll th en be re moved fr om the ma rketing li sts. Ho wever, we may st ill co mmunicate wi th you &m dash; for ex ample, to se nd you se rvice-related me ssages th at are ne cessary for the ad ministration and use of yo ur ac count, to re spond to se rvice re quests, or for ot her no n-marketing purposes.
rketing and pr omotional communications: You can un subscribe fr om our ma rketing and pr omotional co mmunications at any ti me by cl icking on the un subscribe link in the em ails th at we se nd, or by co ntacting us us ing the de tails pr ovided in the se ction "Account Information
If you wo
uld at any ti me li ke to re view or ch ange the in formation in yo ur ac count or te rminate yo ur ac count, you can:Upon yo
ur re quest to te rminate yo ur ac count, we wi ll de activate or de lete yo ur ac count and in formation fr om our ac tive da tabases. Ho wever, we may re tain so me in formation in our fi les to pr event fr aud, tr oubleshoot pr oblems, as sist wi th any in vestigations, en force our le gal te rms an d/or co mply wi th ap plicable le gal requirements.Cookies and si
milar technologies: Mo st Web br owsers are set to ac cept co okies by de fault. If you pr efer, you can us ually ch oose to set yo ur br owser to re move co okies and to re ject co okies. If you ch oose to re move co okies or re ject co okies, th is co uld af fect ce rtain fe atures or se rvices of our Se rvices. You may al so opt out of in terest-based ad vertising by ad vertisers on our Services.If you ha
ve qu estions or co mments ab out yo ur pr ivacy ri ghts, you may em ail us at .tech@gmail.com.Most web br
owsers and so me mo bile op erating sy stems and mo bile ap plications in clude a Do -Not-Track ( "D NT" ) fe ature or se tting you can ac tivate to si gnal yo ur pr ivacy pr eference not to ha ve da ta ab out yo ur on line br owsing ac tivities mo nitored and co llected. At th is st age no un iform te chnology st andard for re cognizing and im plementing DNT si gnals has be en fi nalized. As su ch, we do not cu rrently re spond to DNT br owser si gnals or any ot her me chanism th at au tomatically co mmunicates yo ur ch oice not to be tr acked on line. If a st andard for on line tr acking is ad opted th at we mu st fo llow in the fu ture, we wi ll in form you ab out th at pr actice in a re vised ve rsion of th is pr ivacy notice.In Short: Ye
s, if you are a re sident of Ca lifornia, you are gr anted sp ecific ri ghts re garding ac cess to yo ur pe rsonal information.California Ci
vil Co de Se ction 17 98.83, al so kn own as the "S hine The Li ght" la w, pe rmits our us ers who are Ca lifornia re sidents to re quest and ob tain fr om us, on ce a ye ar and fr ee of ch arge, in formation ab out ca tegories of pe rsonal in formation (if an y) we di sclosed to th ird pa rties for di rect ma rketing pu rposes and the na mes and ad dresses of all th ird pa rties wi th wh ich we sh ared pe rsonal in formation in the im mediately pr eceding ca lendar ye ar. If you are a Ca lifornia re sident and wo uld li ke to ma ke su ch a re quest, pl ease su bmit yo ur re quest in wr iting to us us ing the co ntact in formation pr ovided below.If you are un
der 18 ye ars of ag e, re side in Ca lifornia, and ha ve a re gistered ac count wi th Se rvices, you ha ve the ri ght to re quest re moval of un wanted da ta th at you pu blicly po st on the Se rvices. To re quest re moval of su ch da ta, pl ease co ntact us us ing the co ntact in formation pr ovided be low and in clude the em ail ad dress as sociated wi th yo ur ac count and a st atement th at you re side in Ca lifornia. We wi ll ma ke su re the da ta is not pu blicly di splayed on the Se rvices, but pl ease be aw are th at the da ta may not be co mpletely or co mprehensively re moved fr om all our sy stems (e .g. , ba ckups, etc.).CCPA Privacy Notice
The Ca
lifornia Co de of Re gulations de fines a "r esident" as:All ot
her in dividuals are de fined as "non-residents."If th
is de finition of "r esident" ap plies to yo u, we mu st ad here to ce rtain ri ghts and ob ligations re garding yo ur pe rsonal information.What ca
tegories of pe rsonal in formation do we collect?We ha
ve co llected the fo llowing ca tegories of pe rsonal in formation in the pa st tw elve (1 2) months:Category | Examples | Collected |
A. Identifiers
ntact de tails, su ch as re al na me, al ias, po stal ad dress, te lephone or mo bile co ntact nu mber, un ique pe rsonal id entifier, on line id entifier, In ternet Pr otocol ad dress, em ail ad dress, and ac count name
B. Pe rsonal in formation ca tegories li sted in the Ca lifornia Cu stomer Re cords statute
Name, co ntact in formation, ed ucation, em ployment, em ployment hi story, and fi nancial information
C. Pr otected cl assification ch aracteristics un der Ca lifornia or fe deral law
Gender and da te of birth
D. Co mmercial information
Transaction in formation, pu rchase hi story, fi nancial de tails, and pa yment information
E. Bi ometric information
Fingerprints and voiceprints
F. In ternet or ot her si milar ne twork activity
G. Ge olocation data
Device location
H. Au dio, el ectronic, vi sual, th ermal, ol factory, or si milar information
Images and au dio, vi deo or ca ll re cordings cr eated in co nnection wi th our bu siness activities
I. Pr ofessional or em ployment-related information
siness co ntact de tails in or der to pr ovide you our Se rvices at a bu siness le vel or job ti tle, wo rk hi story, and pr ofessional qu alifications if you ap ply for a job wi th us
J. Ed ucation Information
Student re cords and di rectory information
K. In ferences dr awn fr om ot her pe rsonal information
ferences dr awn fr om any of the co llected pe rsonal in formation li sted ab ove to cr eate a pr ofile or su mmary ab out, for ex ample, an in dividual’s pr eferences and characteristics
L. Se nsitive Pe rsonal Information |
We wi
ll use and re tain the co llected pe rsonal in formation as ne eded to pr ovide the Se rvices or for:Category L in
formation may be us ed, or di sclosed to a se rvice pr ovider or co ntractor, for ad ditional, sp ecified pu rposes. You ha ve the ri ght to li mit the use or di sclosure of yo ur se nsitive pe rsonal information.We may al
so co llect ot her pe rsonal in formation ou tside of th ese ca tegories th rough in stances wh ere you in teract wi th us in pe rson, on line, or by ph one or ma il in the co ntext of:How do we use and sh
are yo ur pe rsonal information?More in
formation ab out our da ta co llection and sh aring pr actices can be fo und in th is pr ivacy notice.You may co
ntact us or by re ferring to the co ntact de tails at the bo ttom of th is document.If you are us
ing an au thorized ag ent to ex ercise yo ur ri ght to opt out we may de ny a re quest if the au thorized ag ent do es not su bmit pr oof th at th ey ha ve be en va lidly au thorized to act on yo ur behalf.Will yo
ur in formation be sh ared wi th an yone else?We may di
sclose yo ur pe rsonal in formation wi th our se rvice pr oviders pu rsuant to a wr itten co ntract be tween us and ea ch se rvice pr ovider. Ea ch se rvice pr ovider is a fo r-profit en tity th at pr ocesses the in formation on our be half, fo llowing the sa me st rict pr ivacy pr otection ob ligations ma ndated by the CCPA.We may use yo
ur pe rsonal in formation for our own bu siness pu rposes, su ch as for un dertaking in ternal re search for te chnological de velopment and de monstration. Th is is not co nsidered to be "s elling" of yo ur pe rsonal information.Web si
te has not di sclosed, so ld, or sh ared any pe rsonal in formation to th ird pa rties for a bu siness or co mmercial pu rpose in the pr eceding tw elve (1 2) mo nths. Web si te wi ll not se ll or sh are pe rsonal in formation in the fu ture be longing to we bsite vi sitors, us ers, and ot her consumers.Your ri
ghts wi th re spect to yo ur pe rsonal dataRight to re
quest de letion of the da ta &m dash; Re quest to deleteYou can ask for the de
letion of yo ur pe rsonal in formation. If you ask us to de lete yo ur pe rsonal in formation, we wi ll re spect yo ur re quest and de lete yo ur pe rsonal in formation, su bject to ce rtain ex ceptions pr ovided by la w, su ch as (b ut not li mited to) the ex ercise by an other co nsumer of his or her ri ght to fr ee sp eech, our co mpliance re quirements re sulting fr om a le gal ob ligation, or any pr ocessing th at may be re quired to pr otect ag ainst il legal activities.Right to be in
formed &m dash; Re quest to knowDepending on the ci
rcumstances, you ha ve a ri ght to know:In ac
cordance wi th ap plicable la w, we are not ob ligated to pr ovide or de lete co nsumer in formation th at is de -identified in re sponse to a co nsumer re quest or to re -identify in dividual da ta to ve rify a co nsumer request.Right to No
n-Discrimination for the Ex ercise of a Co nsumer’s Privacy RightsWe wi
ll not di scriminate ag ainst you if you ex ercise yo ur pr ivacy rights.Right to Li
mit Use and Di sclosure of Se nsitive Pe rsonal InformationIf the bu
siness co llects any of the following:you ha
ve the ri ght to di rect th at bu siness to li mit its use of yo ur se nsitive pe rsonal in formation to th at use wh ich is ne cessary to pe rform the Services.Once a bu
siness re ceives yo ur re quest, th ey are no lo nger al lowed to use or di sclose yo ur se nsitive pe rsonal in formation for any ot her pu rpose un less you pr ovide co nsent for the use or di sclosure of se nsitive pe rsonal in formation for ad ditional purposes.Please no
te th at se nsitive pe rsonal in formation th at is co llected or pr ocessed wi thout the pu rpose of in ferring ch aracteristics ab out a co nsumer is not co vered by th is ri ght, as we ll as the pu blicly av ailable information.To ex
ercise yo ur ri ght to li mit use and di sclosure of se nsitive pe rsonal in formation, pl ease em ail .t ech@gmail.com or vi sit: .tech@gmail.com.Verification process
Upon re
ceiving yo ur re quest, we wi ll ne ed to ve rify yo ur id entity to de termine you are the sa me pe rson ab out wh om we ha ve the in formation in our sy stem. Th ese ve rification ef forts re quire us to ask you to pr ovide in formation so th at we can ma tch it wi th in formation you ha ve pr eviously pr ovided us. For in stance, de pending on the ty pe of re quest you su bmit, we may ask you to pr ovide ce rtain in formation so th at we can ma tch the in formation you pr ovide wi th the in formation we al ready ha ve on fi le, or we may co ntact you th rough a co mmunication me thod (e .g. , ph one or em ail) th at you ha ve pr eviously pr ovided to us. We may al so use ot her ve rification me thods as the ci rcumstances dictate.We wi
ll on ly use pe rsonal in formation pr ovided in yo ur re quest to ve rify yo ur id entity or au thority to ma ke the re quest. To the ex tent po ssible, we wi ll av oid re questing ad ditional in formation fr om you for the pu rposes of ve rification. Ho wever, if we ca nnot ve rify yo ur id entity fr om the in formation al ready ma intained by us, we may re quest th at you pr ovide ad ditional in formation for the pu rposes of ve rifying yo ur id entity and for se curity or fr aud-prevention pu rposes. We wi ll de lete su ch ad ditionally pr ovided in formation as so on as we fi nish ve rifying you.Other pr
ivacy rightsTo ex
ercise th ese ri ghts, you can co ntact us or by re ferring to the co ntact de tails at the bo ttom of th is do cument. If you ha ve a co mplaint ab out how we ha ndle yo ur da ta, we wo uld li ke to he ar fr om you.In Short: Ye
s, if you are a re sident of Vi rginia, you may be gr anted sp ecific ri ghts re garding ac cess to and use of yo ur pe rsonal information.Virginia CD
PA Privacy NoticeUnder the Vi
rginia Co nsumer Da ta Pr otection Act (CDPA):"Consumer" me
ans a na tural pe rson who is a re sident of the Co mmonwealth ac ting on ly in an in dividual or ho usehold co ntext. It do es not in clude a na tural pe rson ac ting in a co mmercial or em ployment context."Personal da
ta" me ans any in formation th at is li nked or re asonably li nkable to an id entified or id entifiable na tural pe rson. "P ersonal da ta" do es not in clude de -identified da ta or pu blicly av ailable information."Sale of pe
rsonal da ta" me ans the ex change of pe rsonal da ta for mo netary consideration.If th
is de finition "c onsumer" ap plies to yo u, we mu st ad here to ce rtain ri ghts and ob ligations re garding yo ur pe rsonal data.The in
formation we co llect, us e, and di sclose ab out you wi ll va ry de pending on how you in teract wi th Web si te and our Se rvices. To fi nd out mo re, pl ease vi sit the fo llowing links:Your ri
ghts wi th re spect to yo ur pe rsonal dataWeb si
te has not so ld any pe rsonal da ta to th ird pa rties for bu siness or co mmercial pu rposes. Web si te wi ll not se ll pe rsonal da ta in the fu ture be longing to we bsite vi sitors, us ers, and ot her consumers.Exercise yo
ur ri ghts pr ovided un der the Vi rginia CDPAMore in
formation ab out our da ta co llection and sh aring pr actices can be fo und in th is pr ivacy notice.You may co
ntact us by em ail at .t ech@gmail.com , by vi siting .t ech@gmail.com , or by re ferring to the co ntact de tails at the bo ttom of th is document.If you are us
ing an au thorized ag ent to ex ercise yo ur ri ghts, we may de ny a re quest if the au thorized ag ent do es not su bmit pr oof th at th ey ha ve be en va lidly au thorized to act on yo ur behalf.Verification process
We may re
quest th at you pr ovide ad ditional in formation re asonably ne cessary to ve rify you and yo ur co nsumer's re quest. If you su bmit the re quest th rough an au thorized ag ent, we may ne ed to co llect ad ditional in formation to ve rify yo ur id entity be fore pr ocessing yo ur request.Upon re
ceiving yo ur re quest, we wi ll re spond wi thout un due de lay, but in all ca ses, wi thin fo rty-five (4 5) da ys of re ceipt. The re sponse pe riod may be ex tended on ce by fo rty-five (4 5) ad ditional da ys wh en re asonably ne cessary. We wi ll in form you of any su ch ex tension wi thin the in itial 45 -day re sponse pe riod, to gether wi th the re ason for the extension.Right to appeal
If we de
cline to ta ke ac tion re garding yo ur re quest, we wi ll in form you of our de cision and re asoning be hind it. If you wi sh to ap peal our de cision, pl ease em ail us at .t ech@gmail.com. Wi thin si xty (6 0) da ys of re ceipt of an ap peal, we wi ll in form you in wr iting of any ac tion ta ken or not ta ken in re sponse to the ap peal, in cluding a wr itten ex planation of the re asons for the decisions.In Short: Ye
s, we wi ll up date th is no tice as ne cessary to st ay co mpliant wi th re levant laws.We may up
date th is pr ivacy no tice fr om ti me to ti me. The up dated ve rsion wi ll be in dicated by an up dated "R evised" da te and the up dated ve rsion wi ll be ef fective as so on as it is ac cessible. If we ma ke ma terial ch anges to th is pr ivacy no tice, we may no tify you ei ther by pr ominently po sting a no tice of su ch ch anges or by di rectly se nding you a no tification. We en courage you to re view th is pr ivacy no tice fr equently to be in formed of how we are pr otecting yo ur information.If you ha
ve qu estions or co mments ab out th is no tice, you may em ail us at .t ech@gmail.com or co ntact us by po st at:Based on the ap
plicable la ws of yo ur co untry, you may ha ve the ri ght to re quest ac cess to the pe rsonal in formation we co llect fr om yo u, ch ange th at in formation, or de lete it. To re quest to re view, up date, or de lete yo ur pe rsonal in formation, pl ease vi sit: .tech@gmail.com.