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Red Vs Blue is su
ch a fun and cr azy game that will ke ep you laughing all the way th rough. You get to st ep in to the shoes of a ch aracter ca ught up in a ro wdy bar sc uffle. The ex aggerated ge stures and un steady st eps br ing an el ement tu rning ev ery pu nch and tw irl in to a joy to behold.The game is si
mple to pl ay. Ke eps you ho oked. You have to gu ide yo ur ch aracter th rough bar sc enes bu stling wi th cu stomers and vi brant su rroundings. The re al te st is, in st aying st eady wh ile th rowing pu nches re sulting in an ex citing ad venture. As you co ntinue pl aying you im prove yo ur sk ill at ha ndling the sp ins ad ding to the th rill of ea ch triumph.Red Vs Blue st
ands out th anks to its gr aphics and fun art de sign. The ne on li ghts and co zy bar fe atures re ally dr aw you in to the ga mes vi be. Ev ery sc ene is pa cked wi th to uches that ma ke the se tting fe el al ive from the cr owd, at the ba r, to the su btle mo vements sh owing the ch aracters ge tting a bit tipsy.In ge
neral Red Vs Blue is a game that ev eryone sh ould try if th ey wa nt so mething fun and ea sygoing. The mix of ga meplay, in teresting me chanics and fu nny gr aphics se ts it ap art as a top no tch ti tle. Wh ether yo u're pl aying so lo or, wi th bu ddies th is game of fers a bl end of ex citement and ma yhem that will ma ke you wa nt to pl ay it again.The wo
rld of the game is so hu ge and de tailed that so metimes I ju st wa nder ar ound it, en joying the views.I ju
st ca n't get en ough of Red Vs Bl ue. Her wo rld is so in viting that ev ery ti me I start pl aying, it ta kes ma ny hours.